Urban Rooftop Gardening

An art which is no more a luxury restricted for the rich but a necessity for all, have made inroads to households of different segments. You may find it astonishing to know the positive impacts it has on the economy, the environment and food security. Lushnlawns have mobilized designs that fulfills your dream of lush rooftop gardens to beautiful window hanging baskets.

We have retired horticulture officers to develop and maintenance.

Our tailor-made plans are made by expert designers which applies intensive production methods by reusing natural resources and urban wastes to yield targeted results. The act of planting a sapling on your balcony or yard can make you an active urban gardener but our professional expertise that takes things to the next level, bringing quality landscaping at an affordable price. Ten years of extensive experience & knowledge in the plants, landscaping materials & equipment’s, soil type analysis has added qualification to take on project of any size and value for our customers.

Garden plants are grown at our own greenhouses in the city suburbs and are availed from certified nurseries. In addition to this, our distinctive water features are a must try. This water element has brought health benefits, releases stress, anxiety to provide water for birds and act as natural cooler during soaring summer temperatures. No two rooftop gardens are alike but may be similar. Don’t miss the opportunity and be part of the landscape that you & your family deserves.

Get a lush green organic garden on your very own terrace from scratch and reap the fruits & veggies or that green lawn for a perfect tea party. Cut down on your air-conditioning cost by insulating your house from soaring temperatures and let the ornamental plants or your chosen orchid does the magic.

Bring nature in your home.